Mission Statement
Exploration of the omni-universal tasks that are present in everyday life. How much do these tasks fill you, tax you, and play into your image of self; the conscious and subconscious that relay a consistent message about the foundation of your person. These simple acts if altered on even the minutest of scales can have powerful impacts on the formation of your personality, an ever-evolving part of the authentic human existence building on past experiences. By altering these tasks receiving service when we need and giving service when we have extra or want to try something new we can begin to understand how our every day micro experiences inform our lives by manifesting in our macro selves.
It is important not just to give, it is also important to allow yourself to show up and receive service when it is genuinely offered and appreciated. It is this genuine act of give and take that allows for honest self awareness and understanding
—a singular motion.
Love, empathy, and awareness stem from the simplest parts of our existence. Self care can often look mundane and be expressed with the simple act of doing the dishes. Empathy can often take the form of cooking and serving food for someone. Our awareness comes from greater understanding of the self and the world by being present to experience both.
SERVICE HUMAN encourages through explorations bringing awareness to the micro actions that impact the macro world and our experience of it. It is our goal as SERVICE HUMANS to inspire others to serve and be served for personal strength and awareness with the goal of community betterment though this awareness.
2018. Gallery installation of SERVICE HUMAN activation/AIR project in conjunction with PSUs MK Gallery
2018. Prototype of SERVICE HUMAN timecards
In the winter of 2018, 10 students enrolled as the first official “SERVICE HUMANS”. we began to preform “random acts of kindness” by offering our collective service to people around the PSU campus. During a interactive exhibiting at MK Gallery we collectively began our Artist In Residency by dividing up our time and resources to maintain the installations and space for the duration of the exhibit. We kept journals and time cards to track our service and how these acts of service enhanced or took away from our overall experience.
Fill out the form below to be mailed an official SERVICE HUMAN timecard and mission statement.